Your first order must be prepaid, paid by credit card, or sent C.O.D., company check. Net 30 day terms available upon credit approval. Interest in the amount of 12% (annualized), or the highest allowed by the state where you reside, will be added to all past due balances. We accept Visa, Mastercard and the American Express card. We must have a completed Credit Card Authorization on file before we ship any order charged to your credit card. We have no minimum orders! Yes, we do offer non-profit discounts and volume/distributor pricing. We manufacture ALL of the items on this website, so we can customize anything for you. All prices are F.O.B. Miami, FL. All orders ship within 24 hours by U.P.S. ground service. Rush delivery is available. Though we work hard to maintain rigorous quality controls, we are only responsible for the cost of our product. All claims must be made within five (5) days upon receipt of order. No returns without prior authorization. We appreciate your business!